About Me!

Here is an expanded “About Me” link for my blog, interspersed are some of my favorite photos from around my house!

This cute cherub planter is in a corner of my dining room! I have a very shabby garden theme going on in there! I just love the great Victorian look he gives the room! He looks like marble, when in fact he is a 1970's resin statue! He used to be icky yellow colors and I faux marbled him with--get this WHITE SHOE POLISH!!! I just love the stuff--the kind with a foam applicator tip--it makes whitewashing and faux finishing very easy!

I am a 20 something single guy experiencing the ups and downs of life in a stinky economy--bought a house a steal of a bargain—then 8 months later lost my job and have been struggling figuring out how to pay for it! I play piano and organ, and am the organist at my church. I have been involved in music ministry and playing piano/organ semi-professionally for over 12 years! I love interior decorating, cooking, art, music, crafting, re-purposing found objects, antique hunting, visiting historic properties and gardens, picnics, strolling through down-town historic shopping districts, all things shabby chic, and much more.

I love to compose and arrange music, sometimes I even sing….haven’t been in choir since college, haven’t sung a solo since high school! I was the munchkin farmer in the Wizard of Oz!

The pretty lady above greets guests as the come in the front door!

I’m trying to start a business using my music and interior design skills in some fashion to help pay the bills! I keep applying for jobs, and so far nothing! So hopefully here in the next little bit I'll be writing about my new shoppe! I don't have any details or even a business plan, yet, but I'm plotting my next move now! Wish me luck! Above is a view of my guest room before I got the cast iron bed. The chandelier came from a yard sale in my neighborhood--it was $15.00!!!

Here is one of my favorite vignettes in the house!

I ran a wonderful antiques mall for nearly 5 years. When I first started there, the local media referred to it as an indoor flea-market, in less than a year’s time—I turned the store completely

around! During my last 3 years there we were know as one of the best antiques malls in the state. As manager here, I also leased the owner’s apartments and other commercial properties in the area. Each year, I steadily increased our customer base, quality of merchandise, and revenue—despite the poor economy 2009 was our best year ever! I'm sad to say I'm no longer with the company--I thought I had found a dream job at another location, but it all fell through after about 45 days.

The photo above is a view of my office as you enter from the living room--I've changed quite a few things since I took this, but it still has this overall Gothic theme!

MIA Blogger

Sorry for a whole week with no posts! I've been recouping from a busy week-end! Last Saturday I played piano for a Mr. John hat fashion show. This was the fifth year I've collaborated with Gwen Cooper over at Second Hand Rose to promote the memories of a bygone era by showcasing different regional department stores including The Globe, Miller & Rhode's, and Thalhimer's, and shows featuring the hats of Sara Sue and Mr. John.

This is from a demonstration of types of ballroom dancing popular in the 50's and 60's

Here is one of the programs for the event.

The beautiful console table is actually an antique square grand piano!

I love this venue! (The Black Swan) I have played for many events here, including balls, weddings, and other special events! The owners are fantastic, and the food is wonderful! They even have a shop upstairs selling evening wear and wedding dresses! Talk about a one-stop-shop!

Then on Sunday Night I was center stage as a concert at Ivey Memorial UMC! I played both piano and organ--everything from classical to a medley of some of my favorite Celine Dion songs! The concert was a huge hit! I hope to tour this concert in the South-Eastern Virginia area--if your church would like to host this relaxing evening of music, please let me know! Hopefully I will post another home improvement project or re-decorate something to post here in the next few days, but until then here are some photos from my concert! Thanks Stephanie for the great pictures!

My name on a marquee! What can I say? Wow!!!

Here I am at the organ! No Phantom of the Opera here!

Me tickling the ivories!

Cloche, Can You See ?!?

After that title, I'm going to run around humming the National Anthem for the next two weeks! Anyway, I love cloches. Here are some photos of them around my house. I hope you enjoy!These are in the guest bath (please disregard the ugly dated metal exhaust fan, it's on my to-do list!) I love the tall leaded glass one--three of the panels are mirror and reflect whatever is in it--I've had this antique glass statue in it to play off the light, okay, you got me the beautiful translucent statue is resin--that's right plastic, oh--the best part? She was FREE! A friend had her is his shop and I was going to buy it, but he gave it to me!!! Come to think of it, he gave me the cloche next to this one, as well!
Depending on how loose you use the term cloche, here are some apothecary jars in the guest room. One had spools of twine, the other is filled with mother of pearl buttons!
Here's another cloche--you can also see most of my collection of floral brooches!
Some baby cloches--I got these at Goodwill 1/2 price!
This is in my kitchen--also here is the other arrangement of silverware--I threw in some china for good measure! Oh--that great lampshade is a tube-top/skirt thing I bought at Marshall's for a buck! Gotta think like Dr. Seuss! Check out this pretty cloche!
Again, in the kitchen, still. I love birds!
Now, I know you're going to think I'm crazy for this--yes I keep a roll of paper towels under a cloche! No I don't use them, unless I'm desperate because I keep a roll hidden in a drawer nearby!
Here's a neat wire cloche. It is old. I'm not sure what is was originally for, but I have several of them!
No French home is complete without a bust of Napoleon--how fitting I keep on a pedestal under glass! More bottle brush stuff!

More bottle brush trees!
I just love spring!

More Photos, as Promised!

The first photo is of one of my favorite new projects! I call this my bag-lady trash can! I took a vintage metal shopping cart and a burlap coffee bag and did this! No-Sew! I just rolled the hem over a few times like you roll up shirt sleeves or pants legs! Super Easy! Just below view is a plastic trash can--no mess! Keep reading for the "French Flea-Market" table scape on the breakfast table in my kitchen.I love cloches! Oh, like I said in a previous post, there is another pineapple finial! Ha! They're everywhere!

Vintage silk flowers, antique etched silverplate, antique muffin tins, chandelier drops, vintage silverware, another cloche, old keys, a miniature Tour d'Eiffle, and lots of vintage lace!
Let's zoom in on le Tour d'Eiffle. I just love the combination of textures in this table-scape!
Vintage silverware in an antique juice pitcher make a beautiful arrangement! I love silverware arrangements, I have another I'll show you later on!
Shhhhh! Don't tell, but my grandmother is helping with a program, called Apples of Gold, at her church. This is where women with established families show young single and newly married women how to cook, decorate, throw parties, etc. Grandma's job is table-scaping! Needless to say, I'm helping her with this! The lady in charge is fine with me helping, but says I have to leave before they start the event! Such double standards! Ha! I love it! I'm going to re-create this table, with additional French landmarks! I'm very excited! I'll be sure to post photos! I definitely know where I get my decorating skills from! Grandma and I spent hours digging through vintage tablecloths, napkins, china and silver to pick what to use for this, and other tables! We had such fun! I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes!


My New Adventure in Life!

Sorry, no photos now, but will try to get some uploaded later this evening!!!

Since I don't have a job, I'm trying to use what I do best to make up my own. I'm working on details, and don't have any funding, but I have drive, talent, and verve--that must count for something.
I'll be your PA, receptionist, etc. I can type, use Work, Excel, build a website, etc. I can fix most computer problems—and I’m way cheaper than Geek Squad.
I’ve dabbled in commercial and residential interior design & decoration; home staging, quick & inexpensive remodels to re-invent your space, and more. I'll be glad to shop for you or decorate one room or your entire home. My style is diverse, and I'll be glad to help you make your house or apartment your home by letting it reflect your individual style and personality!
I write, arrange, and engrave music—if you have a song handwritten—I can professionally type set and have it printed for you. Need a pianist or organist for your special occasion? Give me a call! I do all types of events both big and small, home tours, corporate events, graduations, weddings, cocktail parties, fashion shows, to name a few. I’ll be glad to plan and perform the music for your wedding or other special event. Heck, I’ve even planned and executed special events for up to 300 people. I even came up with a recipe for gold punch for a golden (50th) anniversary! FYI it was mango-ginger-peach and was a huge hit!
I’m well versed in property management, both residential and commercial—from seeking out new tenants, to evicting the troublesome ones.
As you can tell, I can do just about anything, and with an IQ as high as mine, I catch on pretty fast! I hope I’m able to be of assistance to you in any way possible! I’d love to be in contact with you. Please find me on FaceBook or email me at dmfuller at liberty dot edu [just type like a regular email address, I have it spam proofed so I can post it here!]

Guest Room

Here are some photos of my guest room--it is a work in progress, but is slowly becoming my favorite room of the house!As you see more pictures of my Shabby French Cottage, you will notice my penchant for anything chippy, crusty, or generally meant to stay outside. I also especially love architectural pineapple finials. I have a slew! My fantastic step-dad and I dragged this bird bath up the front steps and down the hall to its final resting spot as a night stand! I told the lady I bought this from that is what I planned to do with it! As a side note, she didn't think I was crazy, as I have been a regular there for some time. Hi Ken & Lisa and the rest of the wonderful crew at Class & Trash!
I have to apologize for the sepia toned photographs, I got a little overzealous with how beautiful everything looked 'tea stained'. I know, I know, I still have up my bottle brush trees! I can't help it, I love the vintage charm they give a vignette! I have about at least 40 of them, some big, some small, some green, mostly cream ones, and a few pink ones!
Here is a view of another of my finds from Class & Trash--this amazing vitrine bookcase! I just love the chippy paint! Since you can't tell, it is a pinkish off-white! The general color scheme in this room is pink, green, and aqua. The walls are Martha Stewart Mint Gelato, the corner cupboard is Martha Stewart Party Streamer, the dresser is the original faded pink painted over buttermilk green, with bits of the green peeking through. If you go to Class & Trash, head to Through the Garden Gate! It is a fantastic 3,000 square foot romantic home decor shop attached to a 20,000 square foot antique mall!
You see a sneak peek of the beautiful Art Nouveau iron bed here, once I get the bed crown finished (there is one currently, but it is off center and I don't like the color, but just out of this shot is a beautiful chippy off-white one!) More on that project in another post.

My First Post!

Thanks to Cindy and her fantastic Romantic Home blog, I finally decided to start one of my own! I hope you enjoy!

I live in a cute, but tiny home (only 1,180 square feet). The home is decorated in my quirky, yet romantic/shabby/French/Gothic style. Yes, I manage to incorporate Gothic into all of that! For the most part the Gothic is reserved for my bedroom and office/music room. As a church organist and professional organist/pianist, I have fallen in love with Gothic architecture. Needless to say professional musician=very limited budget! So I want you to see just how far you can stretch a dollar! I will reveal some of my favoirte shopping spots, tips, etc. as I blog on.

I will go around room-by-room over the next little bit showing you my home and décor. Please bear with me, as I've only been in this house for about 8 months and haven't quite gotten things just so, yet. Shown are some fun Spring items, as well as my Gothic bed! This is one of my favorite things!

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