Hurricane Irene

Thought I share some of the damage from my neck of the woods! Thankfully I made it out unscathed, but some of my neighbors were not so lucky! I hopeful that the estimate I received from the electric company to have my power restored is accurate. I can't wait to see if it is! Come on 5pm-11pm tomorrow! Living in the dark is not fun!

I snapped these during the storm. Not fun!

I woke up to this the next morning. . . overturned planters and trellis.

Squished plants.

This branch fell in my neighbors' yard.

Gazing balls blew into the neighbors' yard--these are metal and heavy!

I was scared this tree was going to fall.

Thankfully, it only lost this branch.

A few chairs down, and lots of leaves, but no major damage! Yay!

However, the rest of the neighborhood wasn't as lucky:

It's no wonder why the initial estimate to restore power was one to two weeks!

Trees were/are down everywhere. Several took out homes.

This tree ripped up the curb and part of the road. Neighbors lost fences, garages, carports, cars, not to mention lots of broken glass. Blah! I don't have any photos, but I saw lots of tin roofed homes with the roofing rolled up like a sardine can lid.

The irony of this photo--you can see where the HUGE tree fell, but other than that the yard is clean. Go figure!

Now that I'm supposed to have power back tomorrow night, I can get things together for a Shabby Chic inspired Halloween, and try and finish what I'm doing in my home office!

Prettiest Garage EVER!

Whew! I made it through Hurricane Irene! That was not fun! I had most of this post ready to roll last week, because I figured I'd be without electricity or Internet for a day or so. It looks like no Internet or electricity for a week or two! I have some great photos of the aftermath of the storm that I'll post here in a few days. Either way, here are some happy pictures of the prettiest garage I've ever seen!

Here are some photos of the outbuildings at Maymont.

This garden area is hidden behind the carriage house. They have a large collection of antique horse drawn carriages and cars. Originally, I believe, this was the stable for the horses. I'll have to double check that!

This is a newer building used for offices.

Check back soon for my completed Shabby Chic Goes Goth office makeover and  Very Shabby Halloween decorating tips! These post will be delayed a bit, as I still have no electricity or Internet at home!

Secret Garden

Wow, what do I say--we've had an earthquake on the east coast! Crazy, and ending our week, we're having a hurricane! Oy vey! Either way, it's time to post some photos of beautiful things for once!

These are photos from my visit to Maymont, a Gilded-Age estate bequeathed to the city of Richmond, VA for the enjoyment of the public at the turn of the last century! FYI--per their Facebook page, the animals, grounds, and mansion escaped with little to no damage following this past Tuesday's 5.8 earthquake. I know, I know you guys in California stir your coffee with a 5.8, but that only happens once a century or so around here!

I've titled this post "Secret Garden" because these are all places you can't see from the main path! You have to veer down winding pathways like the ones below to find them:

Sorry for the short post--I hope you've enjoyed more photos from Maymont, I've got one more post on the park, and some other goodies to show you, too! Hopefully I'll get a lot done around the house because of Hurricane Irene being in town and all! Keep me in your thoughts and prayers! It's hard to deal with two natural disasters in one week!

~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

Shabby Chic Goes Goth!

Here are a few snaps of what I'm doing in my home office. I have shared this room with you several times before, but have decided all the dark wood has to go! I'm in the process of painting furniture and moving stuff around and have almost finished one part of the room.

This room is where I keep my collection of religious items, sacred hearts, santos crowns, crucifixes, etc. They all looked very pretty together before, but it was like working in a cave--so all the dark color had to go!

Believe it or not, my crowns and sacred hearts are reproductions! Gasp! I got those on clearance from Wisteria last year.

I picked up this clock at a yard sale a few weeks ago for a couple dollars! I love it!

I hope you've enjoyed this sneak peek! Check back soon for the reveal of the rest of the room, as well as tips for achieving this look! I'm also starting to get out the Fall and Halloween decor! Check back for a lesson on a Shabby Chic Halloween!

~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

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