French Chic

As my regular readers know, I love religious statuary and other objects and relics from churches--I have an altar as a sideboard in the dining room! (really!)

New Arrivals for Spring!

I just listed a bunch of super cute Spring decorations in the online shop! Visit my online store for more info!

Junkmarket Style Member Junk Spotlight!

 My recent DIY end table project was just featured in the Member Junk Spotlight in the JunkMarket Style newsletter! Read it below!

Hairpins Are For More Than Up-dos!

Okay...If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you've probably seen this table at one point. I got it at a garage sale for $5.00 and have never found a home for it. Since I got a real sofa last month, it has become an end table.

Refreshing Your Home for Spring

It's Spring. It's time to Rearrange, Revamp, and Renew. You've probably heard that I was featured in March 2012's Romantic Homes magazine French Glamour issue. Here are photos from my living room, the room pictured in the article as it appears today.

Spring Mantel 2012

Well, the Christmas décor is finally put away! I've had this vision to re-do my mantel for Spring in my head for some time. That darned Pinterest makes you want to rip everything in your house apart and start from scratch daily!

Heart 2 Heart 2012 Valentines Swap

This is my second year participating in Sarah's Valentine's day swap. You can visit her at Makin' Projiks for more info! There were lots of wonderful Valentines included!

Me at the Piano "In the Bleak Midwinter"

Well, it was snowing earlier today--the first time this Winter. It didn't stick, but I thought I'd share this photo from last year when it really snowed! I've also embedded an mp3 of me playing In the Bleak Midwinter on the piano.

Romantic Homes March 2012--The French Glamour Issue

Well tickle me pink! Beth Livesay contacted me several months ago to include me in this publication! It was so hard not to say anything!!! Check me out on page 12, along with the other lovely blogs featured in the Site Seeing article by Beth! This issue will be on newsstands by February 14th! 

Another chance at a Santos Crown & Ex Voto Hearts!

Thank you all for the fabulous turnout of the Santos Crown & Ex Voto Heart Give-A-Way! Congratulations, again, to the winners!

I was lucky enough to secure additional Santos Crowns & Ex Voto Hearts!!! I can't give them away, but I can sell them at a significant discount!

Drum roll Please. . . .Santos Crown & Ex Voto Heart Winners!!! + 200th Post!

. . . and the winner is:

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