Yummy Summer Fruit Salad

After my Fro Yo adventure, I still had lots of fruit. I couldn't resist all the yummy berries and peaches--plus they were on sale! Yay! Needless to say, I made some fruit salad. Mmmm. Not just any fruit salad, but a Honey Lime fruit salad.


1 1/2 - 2 pounds fresh strawberries (buy a 2lb container, expect a few to be bad plus plan on the few you'll eat as you prepare this...)
1 pint fresh blueberries
4 small peaches or nectarines
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup lime juice

Thoroughly wash and dry all your fruit. Use a fruit was if you have it. Next, hull and half or quarter the strawberries, remove any remaining stems from blueberries, and slice peaches or nectarines. Put all the fruit in a large bowl. In another bowl, mix lime juice and honey until well blended. Pour honey-lime mixture over fruit pieces and gently toss to coat. You can serve immediately or store in the fridge for 3 or 4 days, not that it'll last that long!

I've served mine simply in a pretty glass.

You could also layer the fruit salad, some cubed angel food cake pieces and some vanilla Greek yogurt for a yummy and low fat dessert.

It'd be great served over Belgian waffles (or in my house, Eggo waffles--who are we kidding here?)

You could even add some to some sparkling white wine for a summer take on sangria.

Take advantage of all the fresh produce this time of year!

~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

Berry Fro Yo Adventure

Have I got a story today for you. . . .Keep reading to find out my weekend journey for some Frozen Yogurt!

Do you ever have one of those times when you really want something? Well, this morning after the church service was over, a friend (and wonderful photographer--and new sponsor, more on that later....) asked if I had ever been to a new local Frozen Yogurt shop. Needless to say, that is all I thought of all day, because I love Fro Yo, and the only places near me are a 45 min. drive away! Too far for a snack. So I finally get myself together to go there, needless to say they were CLOSED!  What makes matters worse is that there was a store full of customers, plus people waiting in line outside to get in! She started turning those in line away and quickly booted out those still in the store! This isn't a chain, but a locally owned and operated Mom & Pop Shop. I can't believe anyone would do something like that. No names will be mentioned in this post to protect the potentially ignorant! Why would you close your business and kick out customers on a hot summer evening when it is still daylight?  I'm at loss for words. Either way, me and the friend I was with proceeded to drive around looking for another place to go. The Cold Stone nearby had gone out of business and the only other places were Sonic and soft serve place--since both of us are super duper lactose intolerant, we decided to go home! 

On the way home, we stopped at the grocery store to get some Peach Fro Yo.

Needless to say, berries were on sale. We then readjusted our plan for the evening.

Go home, wash berries, eat our own Peach Fro Yo with fresh berries. Who needs the fancy kind of Fro Yo that shoots out of a mechanical udder anyway?

Take plenty of photos of said berries in cute vintage style colander. 

Take even more photos of said berries.

You can see the "fourth wall"--the often unseen side of my kitchen in the photo! Boy, have I got to paint that mirror white!

Dish up Fro Yo in a dish you would only use to take photographs for your blog.

Carefully place berries one by one, the proceed to QUICKLY take a few photos before said Fro Yo melts.

Remember to add a vintage silver spoon for good measure!

Since no foodie photo shoot is complete without any bubbly, pour some diet cherry 7up into thrifted stemware and add a few berries for good measure! The proceed to take a few more art shots and write a semi-sarcastic tongue-in-cheek blog post about your adventures of trying to get some frozen yogurt!

I almost forgot, finish your now delicious chilled blueberry peach soup. 

Happy Blogging and may all your Fro Yo wishes come true!

~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

PS, I plan to return to said silly yogurt shop very soon!

[Computer Status Update: I was able to revive it for the time being, but it is soon to be pushing up daisies, as it needs a new motherboard and hard drive ASAP. I've been computer shopping, but its not in my budget, so I will keep up with everyone as best as I can for the time being! If you'd like to help, you can find out how here. In the mean time, I will be searching the THOUSANDS of photos I have stored online to find the rest of my photos from Maymont to share!]

Summer Deck & Computer Crash

Sorry for the Hiatus. I've been busy with some side jobs--staged another house, did some web design, and made a mirror from an antique leaded glass window using Krylon Looking Glass Spray Paint.

 I got up waaaay early this morning to post, and guess what? My computer won't boot! I tinkered for about two hours with it this morning. . .

I'm sharing a favorite photo of my deck from last summer, as I wanted to post something this week! I'm also working on another picnic for the choir at church. Hopefully I can fix my computer soon! I'll be very quiet in Blogland until then! If you would, I'd love if you could help me repair or replace my computer.

You can click donate now and contribute as little or as much as you like. Every little bit helps. Thank you in advance.


As a thank you for donating, I will share a link to your blog or business.

For Those donating $1.00 - $9.99 I will list you on my Sponsor's page.
For Those donating $10.00 - $24.99, I will list you on my Sponsor's Page, and my Sidebar, under the Sponsor's Label for six months.
For Those donating $25.00 - $49.99, I will list you on my Sponsor's Page, and my Sidebar, under the Sponsor's Label for one year.
For Those donating $50.00 or more, I will list you on my Sponsor's Page, and my Sidebar, under the Sponsor's Label for one year, as well as I will do a special post on your blog, product, or business.

~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

Japanese Gardens & Waterfall

Well, I was hoping to share the secret path that leads to this garden, but haven't had a chance to upload photos yet! So I will share the Japanese Garden at Maymont with you today!

To get to the Japanese Garden, you must enter from the Italian Garden. You walk down the stairs of the HUGE lion fountain, and seem to dead end, with the start of a waterfall on your right and a narrow winding path on your left. If you take the narrow, winding path you come to this arch.

Because of the similar climates of Japan and Virginia, lots of native Japanese plants were imported by the Dooleys during the construction of this garden.

Kids and adults alike love to hop from stepping stone to stepping stone. The koi also love to swim close to the stones, as many times people feed them.

I think these are a Japanese iris that grows in water and marsh. I'm not sure the varity, but if you know, please fill me in!

Here is the waterfall on the property. This is fed from storm water runoff on the property. There is an elaborate sytem of cisterns and small man-made streams that run through the entire property for irragation. This water fall and the Lion fountain feed the entire system. Only the waterfall or the fountain can run at one time. There is a controll room that has a switch to divert the water to one or the other. While the waterfall is entirely man-made, during the Victorian Era, mind you, the rock is from the property. Maymont is located on the Fall Line, seperating the Coastal Plain from the Piedmont regions along the East coast of the USA. Because of this there are some steep inclines and dropoffs, allowing the bedrock to be exposed throughout the property. There are also many springs on the property because of this that help feed the irrigation system.

This is one of those streams.

Here are more of those iris.

The lake is so beautiful!

This tea house was a recent installation by The Maymont Foundation. It is a relaxing place to have a picnic or just to rest, as exploring the 100 acre property can be tiring!

Here is another view of the bridge.

There are lots and lots of beautiful statues on the property. Here is one in a rock garden located in the Japanese Garden. Expect more beautiful photos from Maymont over the next few days!

~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

Little Details at Maymont

As promised, here are more photos from Maymont! Check back this week for more!

These koi are over a foot long! They are some of the biggest I've seen! These are from the Japanese Garden. Expect more photos from the Japanese Garden to post sometime tomorrow.

Again, I'm loving the macro and zoom features on my new camera! I was standing on a small stone bridge and saw some dragonflies. It was hard choosing what photo to post, as they all came out great!

Some more of the pond at the Japanese Garden. This pond, and all the little streams are fed by the water fall and lion fountain. The water comes from storm runoff and natural springs on the property.

Here are some photos of the bees and butterflies in the Herb Garden. I didn't want to crop them, as the flowers and herbs were pretty, too! Click on any photo for a larger version! More photos from the Herb Garden will post later this week (maybe this week-end).

Beautiful butterfly! (or is it a moth? I'm not sure...if you know, please tell me!)

Be sure to click on the photo to enjoy all the detail!

Look at that macro! Loving my new camera! If you didn't know, I bought a new camera a few months back.

I highly recommend this as a fantastic upgrade to a regular digital camera. The wide-angle lens helps you capture more of life's special moments. The features, including sketch, soften, and smile detect, among many others are incredible and prevent many re-takes, and much of the post processing and photo editing necessary with many other digital cameras. You can also manually adjust the focus area of the photo. The image stabilization is wonderful--no more blurry photos! The camera body is made of stainless steel, too! You get a professional camera body with a fantastic lens for a budget friendly price!

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. This opinion is 100% my own. I am in no way affiliated with Samsung or any of its parent companies or subsidiaries. This link is set up through Amazon Associates, information and policies available at .

Maymont Italian Garden

Here is another post on Maymont. Each area of the garden is its own secret garden! I will do a post on the charming pathways and unexpected touches later today or tomorrow! One great thing about Maymont, is you can't see one part of the gardens from another, even though they are right next to each other! Every turn is a surprise.These are photos from the Italian Garden. After walking down a winding, narrow path surrounded by lush hedges, just tall enough to block your view, and after a few steps, you open up to this!

A small, formal fountain greets you as you enter the Italian Garden. Due to a recent storm, they're aren't too many roses. They change out the annuals seasonally, so it is always slightly different. Many of the roses are original to the Estate and bloom as early as March and continue blooming through December, depending on how mild it is! I went a few years ago in January and there were a few stragglers! Heirloom roses are the way to go!

This Jeffersonian Rotunda is at one end of a large arbor covered in grapevines. The Estate used to produce its own wine. I don't believe they do this anymore. Virgina is quickly becoming a top wine producer! Maybe Maymont needs to start a Winery! (Hint, Hint, Maymont Foundation!) You can see chairs from where they were set up for a wedding occurring later that day. We got to see the bridal party taking photos! Everything was beautiful.

The urns and statuary are amazing! I'm going to be doing a separate post on the Statuary and Fountains here in a day or so! This urn is in a secluded part of the Italian Garden.

The formal garden has flagstone paths surrounding the beds.

You can see the grapevine and the HUGE arbor in this photo. Check out these vibrant pink roses. The smell is heavenly.

The Italian Garden is set on the top of the Estate which is located on a sloping terrain. The garden is terraced and has several levels and hidden areas.

Here are some of the levels looking up at them.

At the lowest terrace, you come to this amazing fountain. More photos are coming when I do a separate post on just fountains and Statuary!

After you walk down the serpentine stairway, you seem to dead end, but there is another narrow path that leads to the Japanese Garden. Photos coming later this week!

Here are some more shots of the beautiful stone terrace! All of the stone is local. Most came from the Estate when they blasted away the bedrock to terrace the garden.

Here is another angle of the beautiful arbor.

If you come from the Maymont Mansion, this is the entrance to the Arbor.

I'll be back with many more photos later this week! Look forward to seeing the Japanese Garden, including a waterfall, more of the beautiful statuary & fountains, some amazing close up photographs of some of the dragonflies, butterflies, and bees on the Estate.

~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage
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