British Invasion

With everything going on right now in England with the Summer Olympics and celebrating Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee, I added a few touches of British influence to the decor. But then again, if you keep your room neutral, you can pull in all sorts of fun accents for special occasions with little effort!

I picked this bunch of Union Jacks up at an estate sale for $5.00. Judging by their construction and materials, I believe they could be from the 1950's or earlier.

I also picked up some Union Jack throw pillows. I love that they are neutral. I'll be able to use them for years!

I LOVE these candelabras. . .but that's a whole other story!

Here's one more photo of the bunch of flags...It give you a sneak peek at my next post--that on my coffee table which is chock full of mother of pearl buttons, rhinestone brooches, and chandelier prisms!

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