Grandview Island

 I took a day trip with a good friend yesterday to Grandview Island. This exotic-looking destination is located in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. This amazing beach is part of a nature preserve and is a public park. There is nothing but natural sand beaches on this vast stretch of horizon. The only access is by foot, about a miles walk from a seemingly mundane circa 1970's era neighborhood of ranches and tri-levels.

I have to apologize for lack of photo quality. This was destined as a day of R&R, so I didn't bring my camera. I snapped these few shots with my brick-style old school cell phone!

On the path to the beach, you walk past this beautiful marsh. The amount of wildlife is amazing.

I enjoyed my day here quite immensely. Once my day here was complete, I headed to nearby Williamsburg, VA to take advantage my season pass to Water Country, USA and enjoyed a hot shower, then ventured to a favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner, before returning home--I took the back roads home, and have another adventure to take exploring them--and at only a two hour drive from home, I hope to head back very soon!
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